MAN CAMP is an off-the-grid, primitive weekend camping experience for men 18 and older. It’s a break from the numbing grind of comfort and busyness. It’s like jumping in a sketchy van and ripping away to freedom. But in the woods, with a bunch of other guys desperate to breathe some life into their lungs.
This isn't a kumbaya-singing, sit-and-get, church camp. You'll be challenged physically, mentally, and spiritually. It’s a BYO-Everything weekend, including food. You'll hike all of your gear in with your unit over challenging terrain to find and establish camp. Everything throughout the weekend is designed for maximum impact, even the down time.
If done right, you’ll come home changed and tired in the best possible way.
Brian Tome writes about the impact that MAN CAMP is having and the importance of going off the grid.

MAN CAMP was birthed out of a camping trip. While sitting around a campfire, Brian Tome and his buddies imagined what it would be like to bring the same experience to other guys back home. Since 2015, MAN CAMP has grown from 500 men to tens of thousands, marking a turning point in their lives. Men emerge with greater clarity, focus, freedom, and power — marriages changed, families restored, purposes uncovered, and chains of regret cut.
MAN CAMP is more than just a destination. It’s a movement unleashing the power of authentic manhood into a world that desperately needs it.