Will there be alcohol at this event?
Yes. While it is certainly not the focus, alcohol will be present and is included with ticket price.
What if I don’t know anybody?
You’ll make friends in no time. Each camper will be assigned a unit of nine other guys, led by a trip captain. You’ll do everything together: get outfitted, bring food, set up camp, compete and generally solve problems. You will be good friends with your unit by the time this thing is over.
How long is it?
If you’re in, you’re in for the whole weekend. That means from Friday until Sunday.
Can I register for my buddies?
Nope. Each man needs to commit (because that’s what men do) to this and reserve their own spot. Plus, everybody has to sign the waiver electronically. Do you trust your buddy to sign your life away? Just saying.
Can i bring a group from my church or men’s ministry?
Yes, you can register for MAN CAMP as a group (up to 10 guys per group) and camp together in the same unit. You can designate one of your group members as your TRIP CAPTAIN during registration, or one can be assigned to you.
How old do I need to be to attend MAN CAMP?
The minimum age for MAN CAMP is 18. We know there are lots of 15-year-old men (and 40-year-old boys), but the law of our state says you're an adult at 18, and MAN CAMP is an adults-only adventure.
What if I don't go to church or am not religious?
Cool. You'll still love it. There will be plenty of other guys there, just like you. MAN CAMP includes intentional spiritual content, but its application goes beyond four walls and a steeple. We know you’ll still get something out of it. Trust us.
What if I have to leave early?
You’re in for the whole deal if you go. The entire event is a communal experience.
What if I sign up, and then cancel at the last minute?
You will not be refunded after registration. If you cancel, we’ll give your spot to someone on the waiting list.
what is a trip captain?
Each unit of up to 10 guys is led by a Trip Captain. This person is responsible for communicating with the unit leading up to camp, coordinating who is bringing what, and leading your unit through the weekend. Previous MC experience is helpful but not required. If you’re in for TC, designate it on your registration. You’ll then be invited to a TC training session after registration closes.
What if I’ve never camped before?
No problem. This trip is all about getting outside your comfort zone. It’s designed to challenge and encourage everyone, whether you’ve camped for decades or don’t own a tent (yet).
What time do I need to be there on Friday?
The hike into camp is Friday, arrive between 1600-1830 eastern time. If you arrive early you'll be directed to a staging area until 1600. As long as you are inside the gate by 1830, you're good. Your entire unit must be present to begin the hike in.
What if it rains or snows?
If it rains we’ll probably get wet. Snow is a lot like rain, but colder.
What if there’s an emergency at home while I’m gone?
We’ll have a way for your family to reach you (and you them) if there’s an emergency. And by emergency we don’t mean the cable goes out or Buster wins his football game.